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MG: So, Incluvie is all about diversity and inclusion and looking at things like identity and that journey. And I feel like that is so on point with what When Men Were Men is about. So I just thought this was the perfect marrying of the two.
AIDAN: Yeah - it’s perfect.
MG: I wanna begin by having everybody introduce themselves and confirm their pronouns so that we can be really respectful of all of that. Especially for this kind of film and this kind of conversation, and this week - also, Happy Trans Awareness Week! - I just wanted to make sure, right off the bat, before we start talking.
So, I’m MG. I’m representing Incluvie on this thing and I use she/her pronouns.
IZZI: Izzi Rojas. They/them pronouns.
AIDAN: And I am Aidan Dick and also they/them pronouns.
MG: Awesome. And in the film, how should we refer to our protagonists, and what pronouns did we want to use for them when we’re talking about them?
IZZI: Kieran uses he/him pronouns.
AIDAN: And Egan also uses he/him pronouns.
MG: I feel like the film is so much about the in-between and the "figuring things out" aspect. So I just want to be fully respectful to the journey that this character goes on because I think that’s so important.
In a rural Irish town, a teen lives a double life. One being his true self in a Dublin acting troupe as Kieran, a boy. The other, while around his religious family, must play the part of a girl. When he falls reluctantly in love with the neighbor boy back home, who also does not know he is trans, will Kieran finally face his truth?
“Is it real? Does it exist? Of course it does," read Snyder’s tweet about his cut of ‘Justice League’. Little did we know, not only does it exist, but it is enough to fill 4 full episodes, each an hour long.
Greta Garbo, a queer actress playing a real-life queer Queen is the best of both worlds.